1 概述
Base station dedicated DC energy meter AMC16(L)-DETT is specially designed for base stations where have sharing requirements, and switch power supply is without the function of sub-user metering. The meter could measure 6 circuits DC energy, and supply working current to the matched hall sensors. Meanwhile, it can realize zero drift calibration by upper computer software. have the functions of telemetering,teleindication,teleadjusting, metering at real time, energy quality abnormal alarm, data storage and processing, data interaction. This meter can measure DC power consumption of three operators, providing detail datas for base station.
2 铁塔基站直流电能计量模块应用范围:
3 AMC16-DETT订货范例:
型号:AMC16-DETT 48V 3*100A 3*200A
电源:48V DC
电压:48V DC
电流:3路100A/5V 3路250A/5V
4 AMC16-DETT技术参数
5 AMC16-DETT外形尺寸和接线示意图
6 AMC16-DETT接线注意事项
输入的电压不得高于产品额定输入电压的 120%;
为保证准确度要求,传感器与计量模块的接线长度不宜大于 3m;
通讯连接建议使用屏蔽线,每芯截面不小于 0.5mm2,屏蔽层接大地,布线时应使通讯线远离强电电缆或其他强电场环境;